coach building

Build your coaching business

Coach building is about helping you as a coach to create a coaching practice that is highly professional, thoroughly ethical and commercially successful.

The CoachBuilder programme is a unique combination of coaching, mentoring and supervision working with live sessions and dedicated material over a focussed period of 6-12 months to help you build yourself as a coach and your coaching as a business. The focus includes:

You as a coach

  1. Your values, motivation and purpose

  2. Your ambition, vision and direction

  3. Your gifts and unique offering

Your coaching business

  1. Your needs and resources

  2. Your strategy

Marketing your coaching

  1. Your customers and clients

  2. Reaching, touching, attracting and winning clients

  3. Marketing and selling as a relationship

Working as a coach

  1. Dynamics of the coaching relationship

  2. Developing and growing your coaching

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